Writing is tough.

Navigating academic publishing as a vegan scholar can be even tougher.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Are you a scholar in the fields of critical animal studies, vegan theory, or animal rights law with a project that is

+aimed at a non-vegan audience, but you don’t want to soften your animal alliances?

+at the intersection of human and animal oppressions, and you’re not sure how to be responsible to everyone?

+making a direct intervention in your animal-centric field, and you want to ensure that your contribution shines?

Your challenges may not be vegan-specific. You may “just” be trying to revise

+a rough draft of an article, but you keep getting bogged down and feel overwhelmed

+a dissertation, but you’re not sure how to turn it into a book

+a seemingly random assortment of essays that you dream of making cohesive

+a project that feels bloated, and you can’t figure out how to trim it down

+an idea, and you just need someone to take it seriously and talk it over with you







The unique



in which each animal

makes meaning.

With a little collaboration, what might seem impossible can become manageable—and exciting!

I can help you get your manuscript ready for peer review, publication, and the audience you want to reach.